12 Jun

Variable Rate to Fixed Rate


Posted by: Shawn Pabla

With the anticipation of rates going down, some homeowners may be considering switching from a variable-rate mortgage to a fixed-rate mortgage to lock in their next term. Switching from a variable-rate mortgage to a fixed-rate mortgage can offer stability in your monthly payments, protecting you from potential interest rate hikes, along with some other benefits: […]

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5 Jun

CHIP Reverse Mortgages


Posted by: Shawn Pabla

Why the CHIP Reverse Mortgage is an excellent solution for debt consolidation. Keeping up with rising living costs can be particularly challenging when you’re on a fixed income with limited cash flow. Many Canadians are taking out loans, using multiple credit cards, and delaying significant purchases to stay financially stable in retirement. However, juggling debts […]

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3 Apr

5 Tips to Manage Financial Stress.


Posted by: Shawn Pabla

With the continued rise of inflation, interest rates and the overall cost of living, the uncertainty can be unnerving for many individuals. But don’t fret! We have some tips and suggestions to help you manage your financial stress and help you to power through these latest economic changes: Prioritize What You Can Control: It can […]

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